about us

jeroen speckamp

Since 2016 Speckamp Consultancy, working with various partners, has advised and helped several government organisations and (non)profit organisations with issues in the areas of IT Asset Management, Contract & Licensing Management and Information Security.


Jeroen Speckamp has been active in various consultancy and management roles in Information Technology for many years. At Microsoft he made a significant international contribution to the creation of consultancy services in Licensing and Software Asset Management. As a former KPMG consultant, Jeroen also has extensive experience in Information Security (Cyber Security), specialising in Identity & Access Management.


Before starting Speckamp Consultancy, Jeroen was responsible for setting up and introducing Crayon Benelux as a subsidiary of the Norway-based Crayon group.


Want to read more about our take on IT Management?

Read our articles in AG Connect:


• IT-assetmanagement: Wat is nu eigenlijk het probleem?

  IT Asset Management: What is the real problem?

• Zo kun je RBAC wél implementeren.

 This is the way to implement RBAC/Role Based Access Control.

• Toegangsbeheer: Zo verdeel je de rollen in RBAC.

 Access Control: This is how to assign the roles played by employees in RBAC.


Speckamp Consultancy works with various partners, amongst others:

WinToWin Software

Are your needs not covered by standard software?

Do you still collect data for your central administration with Excel, for example?

Do you wish to be able to use your software easily and everywhere?

This is not necessarily difficult.

The WinToWin web solution will be adapted entirely to your operating procedure. 

This can be done by putting your solution together from pre-defined components.

Through prototyping the components are combined in the best possible way until the solution completely meets your needs.

This is easy with WinToWin software, which is quickly operational and affordable. 

licensing itam, sam academy (lisa)

LISA stands for Licensing, ITAM, SAM Academy and is part of The ITAM Review family. Since 2008, we’ve been the world’s trusted resource for newsreviews and resources for ITAM, SAM and software licensing professionals.


We believe traditional classroom training doesn’t always work in the fast-moving and complex world of licensing and IT asset management.


We are here to change things. Taking inspiration from services such as Netflix and Spotify, we’re offering on-demand and live licensing and ITAM training. Plus, you can certify to demonstrate your knowledge. That’s LISA.

To find out more, visit, https://lisa.training


Highly focussed, modular ITAM applications that analyse any discovery data source, so you can obtain licensing insights in minutes, not days.


Our apps are published to an open cloud-native platform where organizations have the choice to pick and choose solutions based on what they need to solve and when. Think of us as the Spotify for your software licensing needs – providing on-demand, real-time insights that help businesses stay compliant and maximize their software investments.

If you’re ready to empower your ITAM team with the toolbox they need to deliver services beyond expectations, reach out to us at contact@licenseware.io or visit our website to learn more.



”Licenseware, licensing insights in minutes, not days.”


it asset Management

The basis for well-functioning IT infrastructure and data processing.

security Management

The basis for a reliable data and information processing and storage.

licensing Management

Necessary for getting a grip on the rights and obligations resulting from contracts, licenses and subscriptions.

supplier management

New functional requirements and innovations lead to new or modified contracts and new suppliers.

Workshops & training

Speckamp Consultancy provides training sessions and workshops on location or online, working together with third parties when needed.